ThemeWare® 'Hero slider'

ThemeWare® Pro provides a number of CMS elements with which you can expand and individualise the Shopping Experiences in a way that promotes sales. On this page you will find the ThemeWare® "Hero slider". The Hero Slider from ThemeWare® is currently available with 2, 3 or 4 slides.

Note: You can find more information in the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base.

Hero slider

There are 3 slides available for the "Hero Slider": the "Call-to-Action" slide, the "Text/image slide" and the "Image slide" without text.

Background color (overlay)

Text options


Shadows (overlay)

Position (overlay)

Hover effects (overlay)

Size (overlay)

Duration (s)

Set the duration for each slide to the second.

Note: The slider pauses when the mouse cursor is positioned over it.


Add the CSS class "carousel-fade" to the CMS block so that the slides are cross-faded and do not slide.


Like ThemeWare® itself, this element offers you an extremely wide range of configurations. Below you can see a few variants.